Photo of Oxana Garmaeva Russian Federation

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Born in la republika Buriat of the Russian Federation, the area in El Pueblo de Okinsky Orlik 30 October 1985. From the year 1991-2002, study and graduated in the area it Dzhida School in El Pueblo Petropavlovca. After college hiso su Derecho Carera University five years in Ciudad Ulan-Ud. In 2009 years earlier in Spain llego study the types of painting at School of Art who runs it Guillena painter Emilio Romero...

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Photo of Oxana Garmaeva Russian Federation

Born in la republika Buriat of the Russian Federation, the area in El Pueblo de Okinsky Orlik 30 October 1985. From the year 1991-2002, study and graduated in the area it Dzhida School in El Pueblo Petropavlovca. After college hiso su Derecho Carera University five years in Ciudad Ulan-Ud. In 2009 years earlier in Spain llego study the types of painting at School of Art who runs it Guillena painter Emilio Romero Rodriguez.

He enacts professor Emilio Romero me to paint, and he learned a technique muy poco realistic time. Estoy muy grateful to him! This School is muy notable in the arts to learn dibujar, y tambien muy meets with talented people in the world of painting.

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